Extracted from
EDACafe Weekly, by Peggy Aycinena --
Let’s give a standing ovation for all of the hard-working folks putting together DAC this year. Late July is a hellish time to be trying to mount a tech conference in one of the most expensive cities in the U.S. – particularly in the midst of the worst recession in decades.
If you’re on the Executive Committee (that‘s you, Andrew, Sachin, Patrick, Narendra, Yervant, Limor, Dennis, Greg, Soha, Leon, Nanette, Georges, Kazutoshi, Diana, Ramesh, and Anne), stand up and take a bow!
If you’re working for MP Associates (that‘s you, Kevin, Lee, Susie, Nannette, Kathy, Regina, Marie, Pat, and staff), stand up and take a bow!
If you’re chairing a Workshop or a Tutorial, and you’re a’feared it will be under-attended, but you’re persevering nonetheless, stand up and take a bow!
Read the rest of the article at
EDACafe Weekly
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