One of my best memories of DAC was the night of our first Denali DAC party. We were a tiny company and hoping to garner some good will by throwing an open party on Bourbon Street. Sanjay (our CEO) and I had talked up the party for two days to everyone we knew pushing that this was going to be a knock-down, drag-out good time. Of course, we had no idea what would really happen...
We had hoped to see 150 people and thought we'd be happy (and lucky) to break 100. Low and behold, we had about 150 people 7 minutes into the party. As Paul McLellan described it in
his blog, never underestimate the power of an open bar. :)
By midnight there were hundreds of people crammed into the top floor of the bar on Bourbon Street, dancing the night away. We had spent hours getting to know our customers better, many of which were glad to be at a low-key, fun event. Then the event management called me over. We had obliterated the budget. We had a choice... kick everyone out or cough up more money. Sanjay and I knew we had already stretched our annual marketing budget throwing the party in the first place. So now what?
Thankfully we went with our instincts instead of our brains. Looking back, that was the smartest check we ever cut. We are thankful that every year we can look forward to Tuesday night to engage with our customers and our partners face-to-face, to build long-term friendships and working relationships, and yes to have a good time. And we are honored again this year to help bring it
back again.
Hope to see you there,
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