The DAC Fan Club

After attending DAC for over 11 years, here are a few "do's and don’ts"...

* Grab breakfast at one of the morning panels. The prices at the conference center or your hotel for a cup of coffee and muffin are more than your daily per diem.
* Make sure you wear comfortable walking shoes. There is lots of ground to cover collecting all the tchotchkes on the exhibit floor.
* Pack some alka-seltzer and aspirins for any next morning hangovers.
* Bring lots of business cards. Asking your admin to ship some you some to your hotel via FED-EX at 12 midnight the night before doesn't score any points.
* Make a list of the top ten vendors you want to visit: 1) Denali 2) Atrenta 3) SpringSoft, etc.
* Register early for a Denali DAC party ticket and tell your friends

* Don't leave your cars at the hotel. Less exhorbitant parking fees can be found near the convention center. (e.g. Fifth & Mission parking garage)
* Don't submit your business cards in every drawing and expect to win, especially if you plan to leave early.
* Don't arrive late to the Denali party - might miss out on the fun.

This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list. Feel free to add your suggestions...

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Comment by Graham Bell on July 14, 2009 at 4:47pm
More Do's
-Remember the 'Bar' opens as several booths in the afternoon around 4pm or even 5pm. There is nothing like a little liquid refreshment to improve the mood. Mentor has been very good in the past. I hear Extreme DA will be opening early.
Comment by David Lin on July 10, 2009 at 9:53pm
Some more:
- Be prepared. The convention center is huge and there's lots to see. Map out your conference, exhibits, etc strategy so you don't miss anything…
- Avoid the exhibit floor on Monday, if you can. It’ll be a zoo with “Free Monday” crush. Wed-Thu will give you more ample time for technical conversations. If you need a pass, get one at while still available.
- Stay tuned to the twitter chatter on #46DAC
- Don't miss the Pavilion Panels and the User Track. Some really exciting discussions happening


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